Stress Management Workshop
“Today, few people are unaware of the detrimental effects of stress on the body and mind. Numerous studies have linked stress to a higher risk of developing cancer. Therefore, one of the educational sessions for the beneficiaries of the Rah-e Aseman Charitable Foundation on August 7, 2023, was dedicated to this topic
Ms. Roya Bidakhti, the foundation’s honorary psychologist, addressed the following topics:
• What is stress?
• How does stress affect the body?
• Why is it important to learn stress management?
• How can we reduce stress?
The event continued with an introduction to the latest activities of the social services unit, including a patina painting class, by Ms. Samim Mafidi. Ms. Bidakhti emphasized the importance of participating in such classes, stating, ‘Learning a new skill and engaging in artistic activities is one of the most effective ways to cope with stress. Moreover, learning this skill can lead to income generation for patients or their family members.'”
It should be noted that participation in these classes is free for the beneficiaries of the Rah-e Aseman Foundation, and all equipment costs are covered by donors. The event concluded with the distribution of flower pots provided by donors to the foundation.